This website is a creative art project and is based on fictional content. All articles, documents, images, and theories presented on this site are entirely fabricated and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
📌 No real government leaks – All "leaked documents" and "classified files" were created 100% as part of a fictional storytelling project.
📌 No factual claims – The information presented on this website does not reflect actual events, persons, or organizations in any way.
📌 Parody & Satire – This project falls under creative expression and is not intended to spread misinformation or make political statements.
💡 Why does this website exist?
This project explores how modern conspiracy theories emerge and spread. It serves as an experiment to demonstrate how convincing a well-constructed but fictional narrative can be.
📢 Important Notice:
Please do not share the content of this website as factual information, and always verify sources from reputable sources.
✉️ Contact: If you have any questions or concerns about this project, feel free to reach out to us at: support@thetrumpglitch.com
Diese Website ist ein kreatives Kunstprojekt und basiert auf fiktiven Inhalten. Sämtliche Artikel, Dokumente, Bilder und Theorien auf dieser Seite sind vollständig erfunden und dienen ausschließlich Unterhaltungszwecken.
📌 Keine echten Regierungsleaks – Alle „geleakten Dokumente“ und „geheimen Akten“ wurden zu 100 % als Teil eines fiktiven Storytelling-Projekts erstellt.
📌 Keine realen Behauptungen – Die auf dieser Website präsentierten Informationen spiegeln keine tatsächlichen Ereignisse, Personen oder Organisationen wider.
📌 Parodie & Satire – Dieses Projekt fällt unter kreative Meinungsfreiheit und ist nicht dazu gedacht, Fehlinformationen zu verbreiten oder politische Aussagen zu treffen.
💡 Warum diese Website existiert:
Dieses Projekt erforscht, wie moderne Verschwörungstheorien entstehen und verbreitet werden. Es soll zeigen, wie überzeugend eine gut konstruierte, aber fiktive Erzählung sein kann.
📢 Wichtiger Aufruf:
Bitte verbreitet die Inhalte dieser Website nicht als Fakten und informiert euch stets aus verlässlichen Quellen.
✉️ Kontakt: Falls du Fragen oder Bedenken zu diesem Projekt hast, kannst du uns jederzeit erreichen unter: support@thetrumpglitch.com
This website is a creative art project and is based on fictional content. All articles, documents, images, and theories presented on this site are entirely fabricated and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
📌 No real government leaks – All "leaked documents" and "classified files" were created 100% as part of a fictional storytelling project.
📌 No factual claims – The information presented on this website does not reflect actual events, persons, or organizations in any way.
📌 Parody & Satire – This project falls under creative expression and is not intended to spread misinformation or make political statements.
💡 Why does this website exist?
This project explores how modern conspiracy theories emerge and spread. It serves as an experiment to demonstrate how convincing a well-constructed but fictional narrative can be.
📢 Important Notice:
Please do not share the content of this website as factual information, and always verify sources from reputable sources.
✉️ Contact: If you have any questions or concerns about this project, feel free to reach out to us at: support@thetrumpglitch.com
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